Call for Papers
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Call for Special Issues
National and International Conference papers are invited to be published in special issue of IJPCE.
International Journal of Progresses In Civil Engineering (IJPCE) cover all topics . The main topic includes but not limited to.
•Architectural engineering
•Environmental engineering
•Geotechnical engineering
•Structural engineering
•Transportation engineering
•Engineering Management.
•Civil Engineering Materials and Construction Practice
•Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering
•Water Resources Systems
•Principles of Geoinformatics
•Analysis and Design of Structures
•Structural Engineering
•Environmental Engineering
•Infrastructure of Urban Development
•Transportation Engineering
•Analysis and Design of the Traffic Control System
•Engineering Geology
•Fundamental Specifications for Steel Construction
•House Construction
•Soil Mechanics
•Transportation Geography and Network Science
•Urban Traffic Operations
•Vibrations of Structures
•Water Resources Directory
•Corrosion Of Reinforcement In HVFA Concrete Nanomaterial
•Smart Materials Solid Waste Management
•Passive Solar Buildings Outstanding Structures
•Building Codes Constructional Safety
•Trenchless Technology
•Smart material actuators
•Plastic As Soil Stabilizer
•Runway Resurfacing
•Basalt Rock Fibre (BRF) Laminated Floorings
•Marine Pollution
•Global Positioning System
•Bamboo Building Material Waterswing
•Air Monitoring
•Vane Shear test
•Contour Surveying
•Pile-Soil Situation
•Perpetual Pavements Silica Fume Concrete