Call for Papers

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Call for Advisors/Editors

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Call for Special Issues

National and International Conference papers are invited to be published in special issue of IJPEMSH.


The editorial Board Member is a key part of IJPEMSH journal. Researchers and academicians are invited to participate in the review process of IJPEMSH papers. Professors, Engineering experts, and scientists are invited to join the International journal Of Progresses In Engineering,Management,Science And Humanities (IJPEMSH) as the members of Chief Advisory Board/ Chief Technical Advisory Board/ Editorial Board.

Interested people can send us curriculum vitae (CV) along with Membership Form at .you will receive an email shortly which lets you know whether you have been selected as IJPEMSH reviewer or not.

The duties of the members of IJPEMSH include several aspects.


  • Contribute to the popularity of IJPEMSH.
  • Initiate the scholars to put papers in IJPEMSH.
  • Board members should help the quality improvement of journal.
  • Board member should bring IJPEMSH as one of leading journal in the world.


Interested persons can send us their CV To to




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